Twinblock W- Upper Expansion

Appliance Purpose / Function:

  • The Twin Block Appliance differs from other functional appliances in that it is actually two separate appliances (maxillary and mandibular) working together to maintain an advanced mandibular position. This is achieved by incorporating acrylic blocks into the occlusal surface of the appliances which interface with each other in the bicuspid region at a 70 degree angle. This interface prevents the mandible from sliding back into its accustomed position. The reduced bulk of the appliance allows patients to wear the Twin Block full-time including while eating thereby harnessing the forces of mastication and occlusion for faster treatment results. As treatment progresses, the orthodontist can selectively reduce the bite surfaces to allow for the desirable eruption of posterior teeth.

Appliance Components:

  • .028 Ball Clasps between the lateral incisors and canines
  • Adams Clasps on the lower first bicuspids and the upper first molars
  • Labial bow on the upper arch from cuspid to cuspid
  • Screw- 7mm acrylic borne expansion screw.

Uniquely Yours

We offer a variety of options to customize your appliance so it’s tailored to your preferences. Our advanced machinery and highly skilled workers ensure that every product we make is consistent and high quality.

Detailed and Precise

We are driven by hard work and passion for dental excellence. We use the finest materials available to get ideal results for patients. We behind our craftsmanship and we strive to exceed customers’ expectations with every appliance. We believe in a single standard of quality. To us, the highest quality.

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